Somewhere in our scrolling, we came across a comedian who stated that Mother’s Day is the second most celebrated holiday surpassed only by Christmas. Not sure if that is true, but it is easy to see why it could be. For the record, he said Father’s Day was 14th. Poor dads!
In our opinion, it isn’t just girls who run the world, it is moms who run much of this world. Libby is our Growth Coordinator and a mom of four. Nicole is our Client Coordinator and is a mom to three. Jess is our Director of Operations, and she is a mom of two. And we know who really helps run RHI! With Mother’s Day approaching, we took some time to speak with RHI’s incredible moms to get their perspective on being a working mom in this age.

What are some of the greatest challenges you face as a working mom?
Libby: “Being a mom is one of my greatest blessings and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Working full-time and trying my best to balance home and work life can be quite challenging at times. It’s not just making sure I get all my work done but keeping schedules for my husband and each of my four kids. This includes school, sports, appointments (and we have a lot) and any other social events they are involved in. I also have a couple of side gigs to help keep up with the craziness!”

Nicole: “The greatest challenge of being a working mom is balancing it all. In my household, I take care of remembering all things with the kids and making sure everyone has what they need and are where they are supposed to be. I make sure things in our home run smoothly.
Behind the scenes things don’t always seem to run as smoothly as they may appear. I have found that I had to become very organized to make things work for us.”
Jess: “My biggest challenge as a working mom is learning to separate business from family time. When you own your own business, it can become your entire life if you let it.
Brandon and I often catch ourselves working on something for business or having a conversation to resolve an issue instead of loving on our kids and being present with them. It is something that I really want to be able to get better at because our time with them is limited and they deserve the best version of us.”
What strategies or techniques do you find helpful to manage it all?
Libby: “I am often perceived as a laid-back type of person, and I try to be. I have a few strategies that help me at least look like I have it together from the outside looking in. I am a list kind of person. I like to write down what I need to do and then what I would like to complete and then check them off as I finish. I also have a calendar that all events must go on, because I have learned that my brain can only remember so many things at once. If it doesn’t get on the calendar, it probably won’t happen.
I have always given so much of my time to everyone around me and it has taken a toll on me both physically and mentally. I have tried making myself a priority over the past 6 months or so and making sure to take care of me so that I have more to give to everyone else.
I also try to meal prep or at least have a weekly menu ready for each week, based on the activities we have going on and that helps quite a bit. I try my best to have a routine, but also realize that it’s okay to stray from that when needed. I have also learned that it’s okay if everything on my list isn’t finished by the end of the day. I just get done what needs to be done and then leave the rest for the next day.”
Nicole: “A household is like a business and having systems in place makes things operate better. My phone, post-its, and our monthly calendar are tools that help me. I keep lists of things we need and set reminders for things I need to complete.
On the weekends I meal prep and plan so I am better prepared for each week. I also get as much ready the night before, so I have an easier morning. My kids also have their responsibilities to help with the house.”

Jess: “I think one of my greatest strengths is organization. I am a details person. I have a command center in our kitchen that houses our kid’s schedule. I have a calendar in our office for our work schedule. And I have all that plus our personal events on our google calendar. Oh, and I have a personal planner for myself. Even with all that, I am never perfect.
But one helpful strategy for me was time blocking. I find that if I only have a limited time to accomplish something, I become hyper focused on that task and I am much more productive. I also learned when to block time based on how I feel. I have the most energy in the morning, so I plan tasks that take more brain power then. I also prioritize my list with things I need to complete the most first and then work down that list. If the bottom items are not completed, they can be finished the next day.”
Are there any benefits that RHI offers you as a working mom?
Libby: ”I made the move from working full time in an office to working full time mainly from home. This was one of the biggest blessings for my family. You see, if you don’t already know me, I have four kids. My daughter, who is now 18, has epilepsy (seizure disorder). She was diagnosed ten years ago. After many medication changes and sleepless nights, we decided to let her sleep in until her body wakes on its own (recommendation from her neurologist) because her body is super sensitive to the amount of sleep it needs and this, along with the right medications has kept her seizure free for over three years now!
When I was working full time, I had to depend on my mom or in-laws to come and wait for her to wake and then get her to school for me. When I made the switch, I was able to be the one here for her and that made my mom heart super happy! My three boys have had some health challenges over the years as well, so it is great to have the ability to have flexibility in my schedule.
I also have a heart for helping others and I get to do that so much in my role here at RHI. I started in the office answering calls, scheduled inspections, and tried my best to keep the inspectors in line. I was then transitioned to the Growth Coordinator and while it has been a challenge, it has been so rewarding as well!
I also have the benefit of getting out of the home to meet with some really great people, including realtors all across southwest Indiana and now in Kentucky. I am not a huge fan of videos of myself, but I am learning to step out of my comfort zone so that I can hopefully connect to even more people. I love that there are a couple of other women working at RHI being as the home inspection industry is mainly male dominated. It is great to have other women to lean on and get advice from whether it is work or personal!”
Nicole: “We have three young daughters so you can imagine that our mornings can be hectic. RHI allows me to do the things I love (like taking care of my entire family) and still help support us.
Having the flexibility of working virtually has given me peace. I do not have to stress about being somewhere and getting everyone to school on time. I can get everyone ready and then come back and focus on my work.
We have such an awesome team that I am able to enjoy things at school while someone covers for me. This company has been such a blessing to our family. I know that having a less stressed mom is better for us all!”
Jess: “I think the greatest benefit I have is being able to work from home most of the time. That makes my work week flexible, and I can schedule around family needs. My priority has always been our family and I am a mom first.
My role in our business allows for time freedom and that helps me balance both work and family. It also takes a lot off Brandon’s schedule at home, and he can focus on our business. We continue to work on the balancing it all part, but we have forged an incredible life because of our vision for family and business.”

We have talked to many and have seen a crazy number of social media videos that support the idea that being a mom is one of the most challenging jobs there is, but we also believe it is the most rewarding. Let’s face it…being a mom has always been complex, but the modern mom seems to have a great deal of pressure to balance it all.
Our RHI moms know their strengths and utilize them to build the life they each envision for their families. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom, working mom, single mom, etc., we want to let you know that we are all in this together. Please celebrate moms and show your appreciation for all they do. From RHI to your home, we wish you the happiest Mother’s Day!