Want to know what we can do for you?
During a re-inspection, your home inspector will return to the home to re-inspect any items that were requested to be repaired or replaced. This ensures that all repairs were completed properly.
After the inspection has been completed, you will most likely ask the seller to repair some or all of the items that came back on the inspection report. The owner will then let you know that the repairs are completed. This is the point where you take their word for it or you get a re-inspection. The sooner the re-inspection can happen, the better. This helps to eliminate a closing date being pushed back due to repair delays. It also creates peace of mind for the buyer before going to the closing table.
When RHI conducts a re-inspection, all items present on the repair list are re-inspected to make sure they were completed properly. It is important that our inspectors have knowledge and access to all the inspection responses, contractor receipts and work orders. If items are not completed or not completed correctly, your inspector will write a report explaining the findings.

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