There is a famous saying that knowledge is power, and it’s a well-known saying for a reason. Our mission at RHI Home Inspections has always been education. We start with ourselves and our team. Then clients, agents, and beyond. RHI uses education as a proactive way to make our lives and those that we work with better. The stronger the communication and understanding up front, the smoother the home inspection process will go. We believe that education is not only a way to grow our dreams, but also a way to elevate those around us as well.
As a team at RHI, we educate ourselves by completing classes, attending conferences and trainings, reading, and collaborating with other like-minded individuals. Team training allows us to keep everyone on the same page, and it creates consistency in our inspection process. Classes and additional training allow our team members to learn new information, earn certifications and licenses, and put more value in front of others. This helps us serve clients and work with agents on a higher level.

We are also excited to share our knowledge with homeowners and future homeowners we work with. Our team believes clients want a convenient and thorough home inspection process from start to finish. This starts with educating them on the first phone call. Our client coordinator helps ensure that clients understand what an inspection is and what our limitations will be. She also takes the time to inform them of the ancillary services we have available. Our inspectors are the next line of education. We highly encourage homeowners and future homeowners to attend toward the end of the inspection so that we can go through our findings with them and share the current condition of the home. We are also available for questions before, during, and after the inspection.
The RHI team also partners with the real estate agents in our area to expand their knowledge on the home inspection process, our services, and the value we can add to their business. We want agents to understand our lines of communication are always open. When it comes to home inspections as part of a real estate transaction, we highly encourage real estate agents to partner with us for classes and to attend at least one full inspection. This will show the full scope of everything that goes into a home inspection with our team. We welcome all buyer’s agents to attend at the end of the inspection with or without their client to get a brief overview of our findings. We also highly encourage them to attend one or more of our classes, or we can even build a custom class to meet the needs of the agent or team of agents. Agents can reach our growth coordinator at info@yourrhi.com to view a full list of classes and schedule.
Education never stops. At RHI, it is the foundation of our business. We understand this starts with us as a team and that we need to share that with clients and agents. It makes the entire home inspection process with us convenient and thorough. We also hope it takes away or at least alleviates any negative emotions that are common during the home buying and selling process. At RHI, we have built a highly trained team that understands the importance of on-going education. We strive to use our mission to help others see our vision. We want to spark positive life-altering internal and external growth in every person we encounter.